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2013 Artist in Residence is Corrina Hoseason!

Artists Alliance is delighted to announce Corrina Hoseason as their 3rd annual Artist in Residence!

Corrina will be situated in the Artists Alliance studio space in Ponsonby for the 6-week residency (September 2 - October 11) and will take part in Art Week Auckland (October 11 – 20).

Corrina describes her plans for the residency:

“…In creating my ceramic sculptures it has become a constant battle to process and arrange the many important and fascinating snippets of inspiration that build up the layers, generate underlying themes and inform the aesthetic decisions in the construction of a final piece. This is a battle which I am now loosing as clay becomes too slow a medium to keep up with the play…I propose a project that explores and navigates this very problem through a series of drawings….using photography, printing and drawing techniques I will be able to develop, process and grow ideas quickly. I will have each series only informed by the last until I reach what I feel to be a distilled body of work that displays this process and from which I can use as motive to build newly informed ceramic sculptures in the future.”

We look forward to welcoming Corrina. More information about the public events associated with the Residency and Art Week Auckland will be announced soon.

Corrina’s website: www.corrinahoseason.com/ and blog: www.corrinahoseasonEKWC.blogspot.nl

More information on Art Week Auckland: http://artweekauckland.co.nz/

For more information please contact Artists Alliance:

093767285 | admin@artistsalliance.org.nz | www.artistsalliance.org.nz | Follow us on Facebook