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Big Changes at Kerikeri gallery Kaan Zamaan

09 Nov 2017
Kaan Zamaan Gallery owner Julia Reinholt has relocated her popular Kerikeri gallery space to her home at 25 Kemp Road in Kerikeri and renamed the gallery to Julia Reinholt Contemporary Art.



Kaan Zamaan Gallery owner Julia Reinholt has relocated her popular Kerikeri gallery space to her home at 25 Kemp Road in Kerikeri and renamed the gallery to Julia Reinholt Contemporary Art.

Julia’s background is nursery nursing and now that she is a grandmother she thought what better way to try to expose youngsters to the art gallery world than to combine art and play.  The gallery has a slide and children’s books to entice young mums in to browse while their offspring play in the garden, or venture in for a look too.  Julia encourages schools and students to continue to visit the gallery with some interesting and unusual exhibitions promising to intrigue and stimulate young minds.  Artists’ talks and workshops have already been scheduled for the year ahead, so art students may find these informative and enlightening when meeting and interacting with the artist discussing the work on display.

The first Artist Talk will be on Saturday 25 November at 4pm, with one of the current exhibiting artists, Fran Leitch.  The other artist currently exhibiting in the new space is Mark Russell who lives on Waikanae beach but will be in Kerikeri in February and Julia hopes he will offer a workshop on tips to take stunning astro photographs.  These exhibitions will be on until 26 November.  Other exciting workshops are planned for next year, so watch this space. 

The Kaan Zamaan website is being upgraded and will be renamed, in the meantime the public can follow Kaan Zamaan on Facebook and Instagram for details as things unfold.  The gallery is open by appointment.


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