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Call for Applications: Mentoring Programme

19 Nov 2013
The Artists Alliance Mentoring Programme 2017 is now calling for applications from recent visual arts graduates. The aim of the programme is to provide a valuable opportunity emerging artists


The Artists Alliance Mentoring Programme 2017 is now calling for applications from recent graduates.  The aim of the programme is to provide a valuable opportunity for emerging artists to focus on their career with the help of an experienced mentor. The programme has been made possible with generous funding from Foundation North.

Mentors will provide advice and guidance in the following ways:

  • Providing advice about professional practice
  • By helping to develop the skills needed for effective networking and approaching curators in public institutions and dealers in private galleries
  • Assisting with the completion of applications and proposals for exhibition involvement.
  • Giving an open dialogue and practical direction for discussing ideas
  • Giving mentees the confidence to pursue a career in the visual arts once they have left the supportive structure of the art school environment

In addition to the twenty hours of guidance from each mentor, each mentee accepted onto the mentoring program will receive a complimentary membership to Artists Alliance for the year. It is expected that the artist will continue this membership at the completion of the mentoring programme.

Mentor Pool – Who is guiding the future of New Zealand Art?

The Artists Alliance Mentoring Programme has a large pool of mentors to draw on which means each accepted mentee will be appropriately matched with the best arts practitioner in terms of what the mentee wishes to achieve. The programme will take into consideration (but is not limited to); the medium they work in, the networks they are hoping to develop; and where they would like to situate themselves within the art world both in New Zealand and internationally.


  • Due to the funding requirements and for the purposes of this Mentoring Programme, those eligible to apply will need to have graduated within the past five years (2012-2016) from any New Zealand tertiary institution with a visual arts qualification
  • Applicants must be based in Auckland for the duration of the programme.
  • Applicants must be available to commit fully in both time and energy to the programme throughout 2017
  • Applicants must not be partaking in any form of study in 2017


Please return the completed application form: mentoring-application-form-2017, along with all accompanying information to: Maggie Gresson maggie@artistsalliance.org.nz

Deadline for Applications

Applications must be completed in full and returned to Artists Alliance in digital format no later than 4pm Wednesday November 30, 2016.
Interviews with shortlisted candidates with be taking place in the week beginning December 5.

What is Artists Alliance?

Artists Alliance is the national organisation for visual artists. Established in 1991, Artists Alliance has represented and advanced the professional interests of the visual artists of Aotearoa/New Zealand for 20 years. In providing resources, career advice, networks and advocacy Artists Alliance is the trusted source of information for the visual arts sector. To learn more go to the website: www.artistsalliance.org.nz  

Artists Alliance is a not-for-profit organisation which receives funding from the Foundation North, Auckland Council and Creative New Zealand. The organisation also receives valuable income from their members and other stakeholders