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Calling all New Zealand artists - impact of COVID-19 pandemic

15 Apr 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on creative industries in New Zealand. Copyright Licensing New Zealand wants to be able to document the impact on the visual arts sector.

Written by

Copyright Licensing New Zealand
Apr 15, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on creative industries in New Zealand. Copyright Licensing New Zealand wants to be able to document the impact on the visual arts sector.

We know of other arts sectors that are working to understand the impact of the pandemic and here at Copyright Licensing New Zealand, we are doing this for the visual arts.

Our aim is to gather information from visual artists and visual arts organisations and provide this to government agencies to make sure that the experiences of those involved in the visual arts are considered.

In order to do this, we have prepared a short survey for all New Zealand visual artists to complete – please share this with others in the visual arts sector – we need as many people and organisations as possible to share their experiences.


The anonymised data will be used to advocate for artists during and after the government’s pandemic response and will be contributed to the creative sector-wide dataset that is being compiled by the Ministry of Culture and Heritage.

Getting as much accurate information as possible is vital so please circulate this survey widely and encourage all visual artists you know to participate if they can. Individual contributions to the survey will be kept private unless you specifically confirm your agreement for it to be shared.


Photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash

Take Survey here >>, Copyright Licensing New Zealand