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Celebrate 30 Years of Summer Shakespeare

14 Feb 2013

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Summer Shakespeare Wellington
Feb 11, 2013

The Documentary New Zealand Trust presents The NZ International Documentary Festival 2013.

Australasia’s biggest and most prolific documentary festival, the Documentary Edge International Film Festival, returns to Auckland and Wellington this April-May with a stunning programme of over 40 local and international films.

The 2013 titles include Academy Award nominations, Cannes and Sundance films, a host of international festival awards and newly completed New Zealand films. This year’s Culture Vultures section also boasts an impressive selection of music-based documentaries while Spotlight programming on the American Dream and Sports reflect the current themes and conversations in the world we live in.   The first five titles to be released from the 2013 programme are:

Unraveled (USA, 2011) – Other than Bernie Madoff, attorney Marc Drier collar criminal perpetuated the largest white collar fraud (USD 750 Million) in America. Personable and charismatic, Drier reflects while under house arrest, on how a split second decision spiralled out of control and eventually unravelled around him. This is a chilling and disarming essay of white collar fraud.

How to Survive a Plague (USA, 2012) – Nominated for an Academy Award at this year’s Oscars. Blisteringly powerful, David France’s film transports us back to a vital time of unbridled death, political indifference, and staggering resilience and constructs a commanding template for grassroots activism.  Inspiring and hopeful.  “The Best Documentary of the Year. Extraordinarily Moving, Singular and Powerful” Mark Warren, Esquire.

The Russian Winter (USA, 2012) - Part tour diary, part biopic Grammy nominated singer/songwriter and producer for the Fugees - John Forte’s 9-week, 5-city tour across Russia sees him re-evaluate the remarkable journey that takes him from Brownsville, Brooklyn to Phillips Exeter Academy, through early success, a tragic stumble into a 14 year prison sentence, and a miraculous and inspiring second chance.

Salma (UK/India, 2013) – When Salma, a young girl in South India, reached puberty, her parents locked her away. Millions of girls all over the world share the same fate.   A documentary highlight at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival, Salma is the remarkable story of a woman who defies her village to become a legendary activist, politician and poet. Shot by award winner Kim Longinotto, Salma charts the transformation of a frightened, isolated girl into an unlikely hero.

Her Master's Voice (UK/USA, 2012) – Screened at SXSW 2012, internationally acclaimed ventriloquist Nina Conti, takes the bereaved puppets of her mentor and erstwhile lover Ken Campbell on a pilgrimage to 'Venthaven' the resting place for puppets of dead ventriloquists. She gets to know her latex and wooden travelling partners along the way, and with them deconstructs herself and her lost love in this ventriloquial docu-mocumentary requiem.

Documentary Edge International Film Festival will run its Auckland season at Q Theatre, the first film festival to be run at the popular Auckland venue. The Wellington season returns to Reading Cinemas, and this year an additional venue, The Film Archive, has been added.

The NZ International Documentary Festival 2013 runs:

Auckland – 11th – 21st April, Q Theatre, Queen Street

Wellington – 9th – 19th May, Reading Cinemas Courtney and The Film Archive


For more information and to keep up to speed with the latest news regarding the 2013 season, visit.

For full synopsises of the mentioned films and media inquires, contact

Michelle Lafferty or Benjii Jackson at Elephant Publicity

Phone: +64 9 368 4180/Email: elephantpublicity@paradise.net.nz