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Courtney Johnston appointed as new chair of The Pantograph Punch

08 May 2017
We're excited to announce the appointment of Courtney Johnston as The Pantograph Punch's new Chairperson

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The Pantograph Punch
May 8, 2017

The Pantograph Punch are delighted to announce the appointment of Courtney Johnston as the new chair on their board.

“We’re thrilled to have Courtney step into this role,” says director Rosabel Tan. “She brings not only her digital expertise and cultural practice, but an incredible energy and a fierce intelligence that will be vital as we plan our next big steps.”

Elsewhere, Johnston is the Director of Hutt City Museums (The Dowse Art Museum, Petone Settlers Museum and the Community Arts Portfolio) and sits on the Arts Wellington Board, the ICOM NZ Board and is Deputy Chair on the Museums Aotearoa Board.

She was the recipient of a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust scholarship in 2015, which allowed her to undertake a research project looking at innovative digital projects in American Museums. She has previously sat on the Tax Simplification Panel, the Tourism Growth Partnership Fund Independent Expert panel, and the National Digital Forum Board.

“I really believe that art, in all its forms, needs to be fed by intelligent conversation to thrive, and that audiences deserve smart, brave and insightful commentary about the culture that surrounds them,” comments Johnston. “The Pantograph Punch has already taken advantage of the immediacy and reach that the web offers, and the special blend of opportunities that open up when you bring an online publisher into real-world events. I'm thrilled to be joining such an optimistic and innovative endeavour, and very excited about the work we're going to do together.”





The Pantograph Punch
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