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Emerging Art Awards Needs YOU!

Artrium Gallery, which is a 14 month new gallery dedicated to enhancing the livelihood of local emerging artists, is in the planning stages of its second annual Emerging Artists Awards. Last year's successful event was largely due to the contributions of our sponsors who went out of their way to lend their financial support.

This year we plan on using all funds raised to be able to give more prizes and give them to MORE artists, by offering prizes not only for first place, but for 2nd, 3rd and possibly 4th place in each of 4 categories (Works on canvas, works on paper, photography and new this year sculpture).

We are in need for local business to step up and to support the gala by joining hands with us as a sponsor for the event. As a sponsor, your organisation is sure to receive exposure from media campaigns and all promotions for the event. You will also gain exposure from the audience attending the event and road frontage signs.

We have several different packages for sponsorship and these are detailed in the Indiegogo Crowd Funding Campaign that has recently been launched. For every donation - you actually receive art as a thank you, a reward back to the donor. Every donor also goes into a draw to win an original painting valued at $800. Click link below for details on how to contribute, and please share with others. http://www3.indiegogo.com/Artriumgallery?a=807347