The International Visual Methods Conference 3 - IVMC3 Wellington, New Zealand 2013 officially launch their web presence this week at
From the 2nd to the 6th of September 2013 the conference is a five day event involving exclusive Keynote speakers, Pre-conference selected Masterclasses and delegates from around the globe.
The confirmed Keynote speakers are from various academic and artistic disciplines, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, from as far afield as Chile and Ireland and as close as Gisborne and Wellington. Up to 300 delegates are expected from Europe, Americas, Asia with Australia and New Zealand.
Up to 150 papers and abstracts will be presented in panel sessions at the conference hub at Victoria University's Pipitea Campus with 9 venues in one amazing complex and two impressive buildings - the modern surrounds of Rutherford House and the original New Zealand Government Buildings.
"...there will be people from across the entire spectrum of academic and artistic disciplines and a range of community groups that use visual methods, coming to share their knowledge and passions!" says Sara Kindon, Senior Lecturer in the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, and convenor IVMC3.
The conference will include a number of Internationally recognized speakers and other academics using a variety of Visual methods to convey information, conduct workshops and share their experience with new trends in communication.
"I think that a number of media professionals will benefit from the insights of some of our keynote speakers" says Geoff Hume-Cook, co-convenor of the conference.
Traditional research methods are engaging with imaging media and online sharing of visual information at an increasing pace and the conference will be covering a wide array of topics to build skills in managing these changing trends.
The International Visual Methods Conference 3 will provide an opportunity to engage with innovative people from around New Zealand and the world in developing skills and practices to meet changing trends.
The conference is an opportunity for commercial, NGO and non profit organizations to up-skill staff in methods of visual communication.
A limited number of abstracts for paper proposals may be accepted up until April 28th.
Information can be found on the website outlining details of the proposals process along with peer review procedures and an introduction to the Wellington Organizing Committee.
News and updates regarding accepted presentations will be found in the web blog and also on the facebook and twitter feeds from the site.
The conference is a biennial event with the last two held in the United Kingdom and the next in 2015 scheduled for Barcelona, Spain.