Enjoy Contemporary Art Space are proud to announce Claire Harris as the successful applicant for our Communications & Publications Manager position.
Claire joined Enjoy in April on a temporary cover basis, and will be rejoining our team from August in her new role. She'll be looking after our social media, audience strategy, reading room and editorial commissions.
Claire is Pākehā, and was born in Gore as part of what used to be called 'Generation Y' and is now called 'Old Millennial'. With a history in library work and volunteer organising in self-publishing communities, she aims to increase usability and access to Enjoy’s reading room and publishing programme.
Claire graduated from University of Canterbury School of Fine Arts in 2005, majoring in photography, and completed a Master of Fine Arts at Massey University in 2019. As a practising video and performance artist her work has a recurring focus on humour, trauma and longing, particularly as expressed through celebrity and fan culture.
Nau mai, haere mai ki te tīma!