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its like now

24 Oct 2014
its like now an incomplete portrait

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Oct 23, 2014

its like now
an incomplete portrait

its like now is the culmination of a year-long Christchurch project by artist Julia Holden, an extended 2014 Christchurch ‘portrait’ began with the nationally touring 5 billboard and postcard exhibition, Wish You Were Here. Its like now presents an intimate portrait of some of the artists, arts workers and arts involved who have continued to live and work in the city, generously and creatively enlivening the recovering community with their work.

An invitation to submit a 30 second video ‘selfie’ was sent out to Christchurch’s creative community; artists, writers, curators, museum directors, gallerists and gallery workers, paid and volunteer. The video selfies emailed to the artist ranged from the conceptual to the serious and playful. These videos provided the raw material for the portraits and everyone who responded is represented. Its like now warmly acknowledges the tireless, often faceless workers who make up this city’s creative arts community in an engaging, self-selecting, non-hierarchical, and entirely democratic collective arts community portrait.

Please Note: its like now is about right now, capturing a particular and specific period in Christchurch’s continuous and evolving recovery transformation. No works will be held over, stored or kept in any way beyond the 30 November exhibition closure date. NO exceptions.

Exhibition Dates: 22 October - 30 November 2014

More about JuliaHolden