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John Gow joins Arts Foundation Board

02 Feb 2017
One of New Zealand's most generous arts philanthropists has become a trustee of the Arts Foundation.

The Arts Foundation is especially pleased to announce that John Gow has been appointed to the board of Trustees, overseeing New Zealand’s arts patronage organisation.

John and his wife Jo Gow were the recipients of the Arts Foundation's Award for Patronage in 2016. They are committed arts patrons whose generosity has helped to create some of New Zealand’s most extraordinary works. They have supported countless arts projects, and have inspired many others to give to the arts.

The Award for Patronage acknowledges significant philanthropic contributions to the arts, and recipients are given $20,000 to distribute to artists or arts organisations of their choice. All recipients to date have chosen to donate $20,000 of their own funds thereby giving away $40,000. Arranged by FHE Galleries, recipients receive a work of art from renowned jeweller and sculptor, Chris Charteris, as a symbol of recognition.

During his acceptance speech John said, “One of our motivations for supporting New Zealand artists is to encourage more New Zealanders to experience the enjoyment of active arts philanthropy now, during their active years, rather than leaving it for others to distribute from their estates.”

This sentiment is echoed and embodied by the Arts Foundation’s Boosted crowdfunding website, boosted.org.nz, which enables everyone to be an arts patron.

The Trustees of the Arts Foundation are some of New Zealand’s most dedicated Patrons and are led by Garth Gallaway as Chair.

John Gow joins the team alongside Aimee McCammon, Caroline Hutchinson, David Ross, Peter Biggs, Warwick Freeman, Neil Plimmer, Derek Lardelli and Meng Foon. 

The Arts Foundation, Boosted