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Judges announced for Miles Art Award 2014

15 May 2014
Tauranga Art Gallery is thrilled to confirm the judging panel for this year's Miles Art Award.The panel of three will be made up of artists Kelcy Taratoa and Alice Blackley, and Senior Arts and Cultur

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Tauranga Art Gallery
May 15, 2014

Tauranga Art Gallery is thrilled to confirm the judging panel for this year's Miles Art Award.

The panel of three will be made up of artists Kelcy Taratoa and Alice Blackley, and Senior Arts and Culture Programme Leader at Auckland Council Tracey Williams.

Kelcy Taratoa had an exhibition of work, Kelcy Taratoa Crisis And Isolation, and has recently moved to Tauranga and joined the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic as a tutor.

Alice Blackley, who has family connections to the Bay of Plenty, currently lives and works in Queenstown, and exhibits throughout New Zealand.

In 2009 Bay of Plenty-raised Tracey Williams exhibited at the Gallery with My Ship / Teenei Wakaheera.

The Miles Art Award 2014 is the third biennial prize and exhibition at Tauranga Art Gallery, and is open solely to Bay of Plenty artists 18 year and over.

Venetta Miles was an original donor to the Tauranga Art Gallery Trust. Her generosity and foresight is remembered through the exhibition and award.

The exhibition aligned with the award will run August 14 - October 12 this year.

For more details on how to enter and an entry form go to www.artgallery.org.nz 

Image: Supreme Winner 2010 Mackerel in Tomato Sauce by Mandy Hague

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