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Laurence Aberhart America: a fable

05 Nov 2011
LAURENCE ABERHARTAmerica: a fableNovember 4 – December 7Laurence Aberhart has received two Fulbright Awards to travel to USA.In 1988, under a Fulbright New Zealand Cultural Development Grant, he trave


America: a fable

November 4 – December 7

Laurence Aberhart has received two Fulbright Awards to travel to USA.

In 1988, under a Fulbright New Zealand Cultural Development Grant, he travelled the length of the Mississippi and throughout the southern states of the USA.

We are exhibiting a print and album [In The Southern States Of America ] that resulted from that trip.

In 2010, under a New Zealand Senior Scholarship, he focused his attention on the Atlantic Seaboard states. Work from this trip will predominate in this exhibition, including the once great Kodak film company headquarters, now fallen on hard times.