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Lipika & Prabhjyot show at Tauranga Arts Festival

30 Oct 2015

Written by

Lipika Sen
Oct 29, 2015


The popular Tricky Box series, entertaining video art, intriguing projections, comic installations and digital drawings by artists Lipika Sen & Prabhjyot Majithia are currently showing at the Tauranga Arts Festival, New Zealand 2015.

Experiential, whimsical, humorous and philosophical, while raising deep concern about pertinent issues, their works are created in a range of media and are showing at two of the most eclectic art shows of the festival: The House of Cards at the Incubator, Historic Village, 17th Avenue, Tauranga  and at The Art of Technology, 3 Spring Street, Red Square, Tauranga. 

International contemporary artists  and conceptualists, Prabhjyot and Lipika showed earlier this year at Ted X Tauranga with their Tricky Box series that has been touring the country at major art shows and music festivals. Their spinning and swooshing 6 meter high steel and acrylic kinetic sculpture is now a landmark in Taranaki :The Firkee Wala - In My Heart of Eternal Childhood. It has been permanently installed by the Art in Public Places Trust at the Puke Ariki Museum landing, New Plymouth, New Zealand. To know more about the artists and their works and exhibitions visit their website: www.inhalingthespirit.com and discover their ongoing online art on www.hichki.com




More about Lipika Sen