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MEDIA RELEASE: Crowdfunding campaign to employ young Maori dancers

22 Sep 2017
Godplex is a feature film written and directed by Darcy Gladwin which features Shane Hollands, prominent Auckland-based performance poet.

A very unique thing about Godplex is that the two lead roles are played by established artists (performance poet, fine arts painter) in their début screen performances ... Cult figures in their own rights, they bring significant bodies of work to play in different ways throughout the film. They are supported by acting professionals in Australia and New Zealand and an international cast from Poland, France, Croatia, USA.



Inspired by ‘Elephant Consciousness’, Clark Duke has created Virtology, an internet religion with which he plans to enlighten and change the world for the better.

He attracts thousands of followers and among those seeking answers are a gender-confused teen, an over-zealous journalist and a threatening character who seems to share a psychic connection.

Clark’s house burns down under suspicious circumstances – he hooks his boat to his van and heads out on an evangelical mission of absurd and tragic outcomes.


The absurdity of the premise lends itself to comedy however the completed film promises a blend of humour, drama and horror moments.



Self-funded, Godplex is produced over 10 years in NZ and Australia resulting in an onscreen time split of 60% NZ and 40% Australia. 

Actors of all levels, performance artists and ‘real life characters’ are cast, giving this film a very unique and colourful texture.

Crew are local filmmakers investing their time and resources freely to this film project.

Music composer is Rosie Langabeer.


In 2017, alongside festival submissions, private preview screenings are happening in London, Melbourne, Auckland, Dunedin, Sydney, Perth and Berlin.

Premiere screenings are planned for late 2018.
