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Michael King Writers' Centre - International Residency 2018 Announced

23 May 2018
An original canvas to showcase your masterpiece– be part of the art, design, curiosities and a dash of the absurd at QT Museum Wellington.

Calling all culturephiles, artists and creatives - QT Museum Wellington wants your art in their new rooms.

QT Museum Wellington is all about the New Zealand art scene and is throwing a challenge to the creative community; to create in-room artworks for the wall space behind the bed heads of 9 new guest rooms, including an optional 6 private balcony walls. Be it illustrative, graffiti, or abstract art - the space is yours.    

 If you haven’t yet had the pleasure of exploring, QT Museum Wellington’s lobby is home to New Zealand's largest privately owned art collection, with art and design at the heart of the hotel’s identity. Your artwork could be part of a collection boasting works by Dick Frizzell, Seraphine Pick, Liz Maw and BMD to namedrop a few.

Submissions are open now until Friday, June 8, with the winning designs announced on Friday, 22 June. Winners will have 6-8 weeks to complete their masterpieces with the new rooms set to be unveiled in early September this year.

The chosen artists will receive between NZD$2,000 - $6,000 remuneration for each work and experience QT Life with two night’s accommodation at QT Museum Wellington, including breakfast for two and dinner at Hot Sauce or Hippopotamus.

Submissions – and a full brief, including colour palettes, architectural drawings and the terms and conditions – can be made by visiting www.qthotelsandresorts.com/wellington/your-art-our-rooms.

Your Art. Our Rooms.