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New book about Creative Commons in Aotearoa

05 Oct 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE5 October 2015New book about Creative Commons in Aotearoa


5 October 2015

New book about Creative Commons in Aotearoa

This month, Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand (CCANZ) is running a PledgeMe crowdfunding campaign to finance a print run of their upcoming book, A Quiet Revolution: Growing Creative Commons in Aotearoa.

Creative Commons is a global movement that seeks to realise the potential of the internet: nothing less than free, open and universal access to the world's research, educational resources, data and culture. CCANZ provides free copyright licences that are fully compliant with NZ law, plus a suite of free resources written specially for the education and GLAM (heritage) sectors in Aotearoa.

Over the past few years, CCANZ has been part of a quiet revolution in Aotearoa. Creative Commons licensing is being adopted across many sectors of NZ society: government, research, schools, arts, heritage, and data. Many thousands of resources are being shared, and taonga are being opened up for New Zealanders to learn from and be inspired by.

A Quiet Revolution: Growing Creative Commons in Aotearoa sets out the development of these important changes, what's happening now, and what it means; including case studies from all over the country and essays from experts.

CCANZ Communications Lead Elizabeth Heritage has been managing the publication of the book, assisted by students from the Whitireia publishing programme.

A Quiet Revolution showcases just a few of the wonderful things that are happening when Kiwis start using open CC licensing; in museums, libraries and archives all over Aotearoa. We are really proud to have been a part of this and look forward to even greater things in 2016.”

Pledgers can choose to have a copy of the book for their own, or to donate one to a Kiwi library. Print books will not be for sale anywhere and are only available via this PledgeMe campaign. Special rewards of beautiful art prints by artists Dylan Horrocks and Jem Yoshioka are also available to a lucky few pledgers.


The crowdfunding campaign lasts until the end of October. A Quiet Revolution: Growing Creative Commons in Aotearoa will be published as an ebook later this year.


Communications Lead Elizabeth Heritage elizabeth@creativecommons.org.nz +64 22 652 3981

Public Lead Matt McGregor matt@creativecommons.org.nz +64 27 337 8668



Cover design by Elton Gregory http://www.gregorystudio.com/ licensed CC BY.

Creative Commons licences are free, legal licences that copyright holders can use to give a range of permissions in advance to allow others to share, remix and reuse their work. http://creativecommons.org.nz/licences/licences-explained/ Please use these videos and posters: http://creativecommons.org.nz/resources/

Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand is a non-profit organisation that helps people share their copyright works for reuse by others. We are the kaitiaki of the Creative Commons licences in Aotearoa -- a Kiwi remix on an international movement toward Open Access licensing. http://creativecommons.org.nz/ & https://twitter.com/CC_Aotearoa


NZCommons is a community website dedicated to discussing the opportunities and challenges of opening New Zealand’s culture and knowledge for access and reuse, with a particular focus on copyright, licensing and the public domain. http://nzcommons.org.nz/ & http://nzcommons.tumblr.com/
