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New director for The Physics Room

27 May 2016
The Physics Room Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Jamie Hanton to the position of director of The Physics Room.

Jamie comes to The Physics Room from the University of Canterbury where he was Kaitiaki Taonga Toi, Curator of Art Collections. Prior to this he was Director of Blue Oyster Art Project Space (2011-2014). In addition to these roles, Jamie has worked as an independent curator and writer, and has been a consistent voice in New Zealand’s contemporary art discourse for close to ten years.


"Having lived in Christchurch for a great deal of my life, The Physics Room has a strong personal resonance for me - it's wonderful to be a part of its ongoing development and to contribute to a community that I am deeply invested in,” Jamie says.


Jamie will take up this position from the 27 June 2016.