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New facilities at the National Library of NZ

13 Mar 2013
The National Library reopened it's Molesworth St building to the public in November with vastly revamped facilities, most of which are completely free for the public to use!

The National Library reopened it's Molesworth St building to the public in November with vastly revamped facilities, most of which are completely free for the public to use!

Te Ahumairangi (ground floor) is our newest customer space. We have a number of digital interactives, galleries and programme spaces, along with a social research space called “net.work”.

net.work is the perfect space for people to work, gather, relax and create – some of the features are:

  • Free Wi-Fi with a 1GB/day data cap (5GB/month) – the Wi-Fi service spans all of the public spaces;
  • Two 27" iMac multimedia editing suites complete with the complete Adobe CS6 Master Collection & the MS Office Suite;
  • Eight PCs with built in camera/mic, MS Office and a range of open source software;
  • Two search stations that give optimised access to our collections and subscription databases;
  • 46” floor-mounted HD monitor with HDMI laptop input;
  • Comfy modular seating;
  • Group work spaces;
  • Device charging facilities;
  • Printing & scanning facilities, including from mobile devices (note that printing is the only facility that incurs a charge).

Here are a couple of links that give a brief glimpse of the new facilities.


http://natlib.govt.nz/visiting/wellington/big-data (current programme running in the Gallery).



Come pay a visit, we'd be delighted to welcome you!