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Funding HQ - NZ’s first fundraising capability platform dedicated to arts and culture

05 Jun 2023
The arts and culture sector will for the first time have access to a dedicated fundraising platform to help organisations that struggle to access the funding that keeps them alive.

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Funding HQ
Jun 5, 2023

The arts and culture sector will for the first time have access to a dedicated fundraising platform to help organisations that struggle to access the funding that keeps them alive.

Founded and designed by start-up business Funding HQ, the Arts and Culture platform, is specially designed to support arts organisations who are seeking a financially sustainable funding model. 

Founder Jenni Giblin says the platform couldn’t have come at a better time for the arts sector.

“Now more than ever arts organisations across the country are finding it difficult to access funds. There’s no doubt that Covid-19 has impacted fundraising in this country. And with communities impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle, Local Councils assessing their community grants, and a recession looming, funding from corporates and businesses is expected to reduce too.

A large number of charitable organisations face constraints around resources and the time required to fundraise along with difficulty in navigating the ever-changing funding environment.”

A 2021 New Zealand Cause report by JB Were confirmed 66% of funds distributed in Aotearoa are earned by the top 11 charitable organisations which is alarming. 

“New Zealand’s funding landscape is uneven, with a large proportion of funds distributed to just a small number of charities. This is often because they have the internal resources to identify and then access funds or look after their partners. Unfortunately, it means that a large number of New Zealand charities really struggle to access funds. Many Māori, Pasifika and ethnic minority organisations also struggle year-on-year to access funding, and this needs to change”

Giblin says the platform, funded by the Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage via the Cultural Sector Innovation Fund, will aim to close the growing fundraising gap by building capability regardless of where their organisation is located and what size they are.

For more information visit Funding HQ 

Solutions For Navigating Arts Funding Problems

More about Funding HQ