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Peep, peep, peep... Tricky Box 3 by Lipika & Prabhjyot

03 Mar 2014
Peep, peep, peep... curious tauranga art walkers discover "Tricky Box 3"

Written by

Lipika Sen
Mar 3, 2014

Peep, peep, peep... curious tauranga art walkers discover "Tricky Box 3"

A sunny summer's day in New Zealand proved to be the perfect setting for the 'HeART in the City walk' in downtown Tauranga and a rather busy one for the Tricky Box 3, as curious art walkers lined up for a special 'peep' into this experiential art installation by artists Lipika Sen & Prabhjyot Majithia at the Tauranga City Library, in support of the Heart Foundation.

(One of a series that has been showing around NZ, Tricky Box 3 is exhibited at the Tauranga Central Library from 4 Feb 2014 - 4 March 2014)

The response has been heart-warming including emails like this one:

Hi There,

I just wanted to congratulate you on your piece in the heArt in the city art walk last night. When I looked back over the art I saw yours was the one that stuckin my mind - original and thought provoking and very definitely 'to the heart'

Nice work!

Sandy Ritchie

For a peep into the Tricky Box series and more works by the artists, please visit:
www.inhalingthespirit.com and www.hichki.com 

More about Lipika Sen