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Taranaki Art Awards announce prizes

14 Aug 2009

The Taranaki Art Awards committee are pleased to confirm prizes and sponsorship for the awards this year. 

This national award showcases a diverse and eclectic mix of artwork and is an ideal forum for emerging artists to exhibit and offer their work for sale alongside more established artists.

“We are very thankful to all of our sponsors, volunteers, community groups and Opunake businesses who offer support and give their time to ensure the Awards continue to offer opportunities to reward artistic excellence. The support of sponsors is imperative to the success of this nationwide event in Opunake” says Chair, Suzie Stanley.

The prizes for 2009 are:

TSB Community Trust Painting Award $3000
Rodie Trust Rural Taranaki Award $2000
Shell Todd Oil Services Sculpture Award $1500
Opunake Businesses Watercolour Painting Award $1000
Fibre Art Award $1000
Tui Ora Ltd & Parininihi Ki Waitotara Trust  Aotearoa Award $1000
Opunake Business Association Photographic Award $1000

The Taranaki Art Awards attracts over 300 entries in seven categories. The exhibition runs for two weeks at the Sandfords Event Centre in Opunake, and coincides with the Taranaki Rhododendron and Garden Festivals.

Entry forms are available in all South Taranaki LibraryPlus branches, regional i-Sites, local galleries, and can be downloaded from the website: www.taranakiartwards.co.nz.