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The Lithuanian Film Festival opens for the first time in New Zealand

12 Jul 2021
On Sunday, 18 July, Aucklanders will have the opportunity to enjoy a selection of award-winning short and feature-length films from Lithuania.

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Lithuanian Film Festival in New Zealand
Jul 11, 2021

Held for the first time and organised by a team of Lithuanian expats, the Lithuanian Film Festival will shine a spotlight on the rich cinematic stories from this Northeastern European nation. The festival will be held at Academy Cinema and six films will be screened over the course of the day.

The programme consists of two award-winning documentaries, the best Lithuanian film of 2020 and an exciting short animation for children. Audiences will be invited to two LIVE Q&A sessions with film directors. After the screening of animation, the children are invited to join a special event with the comedy magician Andy Wonder and experience his super spectacular Magic Show.


Tickets at Academy Cinemas, Lithuanian Film Festival on Facebook