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The Stadium Broadcast

Field Theory
14 - 17 November 2014 

The Physics Room 

For nearly four years, Lancaster Park (AMI/Jade Stadium) has lain dormant on the city's edge, yet for many it is still a vital part of Christchurch's identity. Opened in 1881, the grounds have played host to thousands upon thousands of breath-catching moments for those gathered for sport, music or religious events during its long history. 

On Canterbury Anniversary Weekend (14-17 November) Australian art collective Field Theory will enter the legendary field of the old stadium. For 72 hours they will broadcast to the world every story that ever happened to anyone there, however small or strange! In an epic feat of endurance, The Stadium Broadcast will perform a live tribute to the stadium and to those fragile things we call memory, history and place.

Listen live from 10am Friday 14 November

Book your time on field here

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Twitter: #stadiumbroadcast @_FieldTheory