Bouffant beehives, billowing bellbottoms and echoes of the strains of Woodstock – it’s all coming to K’ Road on 1 May as the street celebrates its late night art event First Thursdays – the 1960’s Edition. Reflections of all the colour and revolutionary attitude of this swinging decade will be reverberating throughout the more than 30 events planned to take place across 20-plus locations the length of Auckland’s famous strip.
“I’m looking forward to the public getting more involved this time, dressing up in ‘60’s vintage, having their hair back-combed, having a go-go lesson and dancing in Ironbank courtyard afterwards,” says organiser Laura Forest.
Now into its fifth year, First Thursdays attracts a crowd of around 8,000 people – a crowd Laura hopes will join with retailers, café owners, performers and musicians in recreating the spirit of an era close to K’ Road’s own revolutionary heart.
Participants willing to embrace the theme will be ably assisted in this endeavour by a team of vintage specialists in St Kevin’s Arcade offering free beehive hairdos and flower power face painting, while a best-dressed competition will see one 1960’s pretender walk away with a $100 voucher to spend at arcade old-timer Vixen Vintage.
The NZ Film Archive will be reminiscing with showings of footage of outdoor festivals from the period while an East St marketing company will make an outside 1960’s lounge available for cinema viewings.
A Flashback Walkway will feature at La Gonda Arcade where life-size cardboard cut-outs will depict key characters and events of the day and, at the top of Queen St, Maori Stylez will host a Maori/1960’s fashion parade in-house.
Cross St Arcade at 214 K’ Road will undergo its usual transformation into a bustling art and craft market and the opportunity to have New Zealand-made 1960’s couture photographed for posterity at 179 K’ Road will be on offer from the New Zealand Fashion Museum and Kingsize Studios.
Keep an eye out for roving go-go dancer Miss La Vida, have your dress-up get-up painted by street portrait artists for $10 and dance the night away to the sounds of soul and R & B emanating from 50-year-old vinyl at Verona.
It’s an “appropriately broad” theme, says Laura. “Even within the ‘60’s you can approach it from so many different angles, which means we’re not confining people to any one thing.” But, dress choices aside, the thing which gives her the most pleasure as this celebration of all things art unfolds, “is simply walking around on the night watching people having so much fun.”