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Time running out for community-led Hundertwasser Art Centre project

04 May 2017
Boosted campaign launched with $1.45 million still required for Whangarei’s Hundertwasser Art Centre with Wairau Māori Art Gallery

Written by

HAC Project Group
May 5, 2017


Just $1.4 million must be raised to secure the future of the world’s last authentic Hundertwasser building.

The Hundertwasser Art Centre with Wairau Māori Art Gallery planned for the Whangarei Town Basin is painstakingly close to its first target of raising $16.25 million by June 30, 2017 . . . but until it does, nothing is certain.

Today marks the start of the final push for the project; the kick off for a new campaign to raise funds on boosted.org.nz and the release of a video produced locally that puts voice to the incredible support for the project within the Whangarei community.

Prosper Northland Trust – which comprises entirely of volunteers –must raise the $16.25 million, as well as securing a $2 million underwrite, before the final go-ahead is achieved. Now, despite being so close to their goal, the trust is asking Whangarei locals, art scholars, tourism operators, politicians and New Zealanders everywhere to do what they can to support the project.  

“It really is all or nothing. We are either going to have this incredible addition to our community or we aren’t. While we are so very thankful to everyone who has dedicated time, energy and money to this project, we aren’t there yet,” says Project Director Andrew Garratt.

“Putting aside the hours of work that has gone into this project, it would be an absolute shame if New Zealanders are deprived of this wonderful centre.”

In Whangarei, locals are coming up with some ingenious ways to raise funds for the Hundertwasser Art Centre with Wairau Māori Art Gallery as the June 30 referendum deadline approaches.

From potted plants to handmade quilts, cards, knitted goods and everything in between, Northlanders are getting creative to help raise the final $1.45 million to get the project across the line.

Whangarei-based law firm Henderson Reeves has even pledged to commit a generous $20,000 if the trust can raise the equivalent sum through the boosted.org.nz campaign which launched today.

The Hundertwasser Art Centre with Wairau Māori Art Gallery will be an iconic landmark on a grand scale and the last authentic Hundertwasser building in the world. Like the artist’s work, this stunning building will be multi-faceted and multi-functional with two galleries as well as a café, cinema and student resource centre.

Housed within the centre will be collections of equal significance, creating a wakahuia - a treasure box - of exemplary artworks from renowned contemporary Māori artists, and of course, Hundertwasser himself.

It was Hundertwasser’s express wish that the two galleries, the Hundertwasser and the Wairau, be housed under the same roof. He felt it would be a great basis for conversation, co-operation and understanding between Pakeha and Māori with art as the subject.

Independent feasibility studies conducted by Deloitte’s and peer reviewed by Crowe Horwath have outlined the benefit that the centre will bring to the Northland district, including 68 new jobs during construction, 32 jobs post-construction and, as determined by Northland Inc, an ongoing $22 million brought into the region every year.  

People can donate to the project through a variety of ways – buying unique artwork, sponsoring tiles for the building and pledging funds. If all funds are not raised by the end of June this year, the project will be abandoned.

For more information please visit www.yeswhangarei.co.nz

Henderson Reeves is doubling any donations via Boosted up to $20,000!