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'Whare No Name' Official Opening - Whanau Day

29 Mar 2015
Nau mai here mai koutou katoa! Come along everyone to the official opening day for the New Home of Maori Theatre.

Written by

Sharu Loves Hats
Mar 29, 2015

Nau mai here mai koutou katoa! Come along everyone to the official opening day for the New Home of Maori Theatre.

On Saturday 11th April we will be officially naming and celebrating the opening of Auckland's new Kaupapa Maori Performing Arts space (currently and affectionately called "Whare No Name"). This is a whanau friendly event with activities and games for kids and of course a fun filled theatre show.

The day will start with the big reveal of the name for this whare and a blessing by kaumatua Rangimoana Taylor, we'll then have a kai and activities available for all. At 12.30pm we'll be putting on a show for kids and big kids alike! We look forward to seeing you all there to celebrate this important day for Auckland Performing arts.

When: 10am - 1.30pm
Where: 44A Portage Road, New Lynn. Parking at rear
How much: Free, Koha for kids show