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21 Nov 2014

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Nov 20, 2014

Applications Open for iD Dunedin Fashion Week Associated Events iD

Dunedin Fashion Week organisers are calling for expressions of interest from local businesses looking to become involved in the official 2015 program through hosting an ‘Associated Event’. iD Dunedin Fashion Week is a week dedicated to fashion and design, and each year Dunedin city comes alive to celebrate its distinct style, fashion identity and industry. The 2015 iD Dunedin Fashion Week will take place from 18-26 April. The week includes both ticketed and free events which are targeted at the public, established and emerging designers and the media. The two major events during the week are the iD International Emerging Designer Awards, an international fashion design competition, and the iD Dunedin Fashion Show held at the iconic Dunedin Railway Station. Every year, a number of externally organised, relevant Associated Events are included in the official iD week calendar. These Associated Events must have a focus on fashion, accessories or design and not duplicate existing events or sponsorship relationships (inclusion is at the discretion of the iD Dunedin Fashion organising committee). Tim Pollock, Commercial Development Manager at Dunedin Public Art Gallery, organised the hugely popular Associated Event ‘Tanya Carlson: Not All White’ exhibition, which was enjoyed by more than 50,000 visitors at the 2014 iD Dunedin Fashion Week. “iD Dunedin Fashion Week is an extremely successful event for the city of Dunedin and one which generates national and international visitation in ever-increasing numbers – and an impressive amount of international media coverage, too. There are few, if any, other events in the Dunedin calendar – be they cultural or sporting – that generate the ongoing level of international attention and recognition of this aptly named event and, as such, iD should be embraced and supported by all those who wish to see the city of Dunedin celebrated,” says Pollock. Susie Staley, Chair of the iD Dunedin Fashion Week Committee says, “Associated Events are a great way for the wider Dunedin community to be involved in iD. In recent years, the growth in the number of official Associated Events has positively added to the program and diversity of events happening over the week. iD Dunedin Fashion Week attracts a large number of media and visitors from outside Dunedin, and the broader program always appeals to these visitors and offers them a chance to experience more of our local galleries, artists, designers and retailers.” Some key iD Dunedin Fashion facts include: • 2014 media coverage valued at over $6 million with over 80 media in attendance • Over 6,000 people attended iD Dunedin Fashion events in 2014 • 30% of attendees are from out of town and have an average stay of 3 nights • 65% of attendees report that they do some fashion retail shopping during the week • Designers, retailers, hospitality providers and accommodation have reported real economic benefits from the week with the economic impact valued at over $2 million • Over 60 local, national and international designers are involved with the week To apply for an Associated Event please complete the Associated Event application form (available at www.idfashion.co.nz/content/bepartofid/php) and email this to paul@idfashion.co.nz. All applications must be received by Friday 11 December, 2014 ENDS Picture credit: Chris Sullivan, Seen in Dunedin. For more information, contact: Tina Moore, iD Dunedin Fashion Week publicist Ph: +24 21 313 440 Follow iD at: W: idfashion.co.nz F: facebook.com/iddunedinfashion T: @iDinsider Instagram: idfashionwk Pinterest: idfw

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