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Fundraising Talent Recruitment

03 Oct 2022

Written by

The Big Idea
Sep 15, 2023

Fundraising Talent Recruitment operates exclusively in the NFP sector assisting charities and arts organisations to find professional, specialist fundraising staff.

Established by Tilda Bostwick in 2020, the name Fundraising Talent was chosen to honour the talented and dedicated fundraisers working in our community. 

We find exceptional talent at all levels and offer a full suite of recruitment services. We take a thorough assignment brief to determine the specifics of the role, the candidate profile, job description background, search strategy, and terms of engagement. Tailored services are priced competitively to fit your needs and budget. 

We're also happy to provide advice about fundraising team structure, job titles and salary benchmarking. Please get in touch to discuss any aspect of your recruitment!



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