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30 Jun 2022

Written by

The Big Idea Site Admin
Jun 30, 2022

Freelancers - join Hnry today and never think about tax again! We'll automate your tax calculations and payments, review your expenses as you raise them, and file your income tax and GST returns whenever they're due. 

Hnry automates taxes for freelancers, so they never have to think about tax again.

Here's what freelancers get with Hnry:

  1. All taxes calculated and paid as you earn - whenever you get paid, Hnry calculates, deducts, and pays your income tax, GST, ACC, and Student Loan, so you're always up to date on your tax payments.
  2. Full access to the Hnry app, where you can send unlimited invoices, raise expenses, get business insights, and choose where your money goes whenever you get paid.
  3. We become your accountant - we'll review your expenses, adjust your tax rate, answer all your tax questions, and file your income tax and GST returns whenever they're due.

Join Hnry today - we'll take all the stress out of managing your tax affairs.