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Feeling unfulfilled? The Japanese concept of ‘ikigai’ could reveal your true purpose
Arts Smarts

Feeling unfulfilled? The Japanese concept of ‘ikigai’ could reveal your true purpose

If you're feeling stuck and unsure of your next move, there’s a simple yet powerful Japanese concept that could help.

How to write the perfect approach email
Arts Smarts

How to write the perfect approach email

They can be tricky, but writing approach emails is going to be a key part of your career as an artist. Here are some tips from a pro on how to do it right.

Landing a job in the arts
Arts Smarts

Landing a job in the arts

There are lots of industry job opportunities beyond actually producing art. Sam Grover caught up with Elizabeth Swinburn to find out her experience of how these careers can work.

Pitching for cut-through
Arts Smarts

Pitching for cut-through

Love it or hate it, the elevator pitch for your ideas is a key part of being a successful creative. Here’s how to get it right.

Mastering the art of Facebook
Arts Smarts

Mastering the art of Facebook

Facebook is one of the best ways to promote your work. Here’s how to get the most out of it.

The power of an e-newsletter
Arts Smarts

The power of an e-newsletter

A newsletter is a great tool for building your rep as an artist. Sam Grover scouts some great tips for marketing via a newsletter.

Ins and outs of asking for money
Arts Smarts

Ins and outs of asking for money

Sam Grover speaks to Judene Edgar about grants and the best ways to ask for money as an artist

Best ways to promote yourself
Arts Smarts

Best ways to promote yourself

Sam Grover seeks out top tips from communications expert Richard Irvine for using metrics when you’re promoting yourself online

Value of Mentoring in the Arts
Mentoring Arts Smarts

Value of Mentoring in the Arts

What is the real value of mentorships in the arts? Sam Grover finds out

 Arts residencies: reporting in from Portugal
Mentoring Arts Smarts

Arts residencies: reporting in from Portugal

Arts residencies are a great way to extend knowledge of your craft. Sam Grover checks in with Anna-Rose Carpenter who is currently in the middle of a residency in Portugal.

Beating that pesky Imposter Syndrome
Arts Smarts

Beating that pesky Imposter Syndrome

Sam Grover has found some handy tips on how to make that nagging sense of self-doubt work for you.

Arts Smarts: Mind your Mental Health
Arts Smarts

Arts Smarts: Mind your Mental Health

Sam Grover catches up with Borni Te Rongopai Tukiwaho to hear how artists can look after themselves.