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100 years of Reed Publishing at National Library

03 Aug 2007
A new exhibition opening at the National Library Gallery on 10 August celebrates the centenary of the publishing house.

Many of NZ's best-loved books have been published by Reed, from Barry Crump's A Good Keen Man to Avis Acres' Opo The Gay Dolphin and Witi Ihimaera's Whale Rider.

Many of NZ's best-loved books have been published by Reed, from Barry Crump's A Good Keen Man to Avis Acres' Opo The Gay Dolphin and Witi Ihimaera's Whale Rider. A new exhibition opening at the National Library Gallery on 10 August celebrates the centenary of the publishing house by inviting you to step into the world constructed through Reed books.

Good Books Make Good Citizens focuses on Reed's nationalistic and indigenous publishing programme of the 1950s and 1960s. It explores Reeds role as the unofficial and popular 'publisher to the nation', shaping our stories, dreams and identities for 100 years. The exhibition draws out the major personalities behind the House of Reed. One section charts firm founder AH Reed's iconic long distance walks across the New Zealand landscape, which have passed into folklore and bestseller lists. Another section centres around the correspondence between Reed and his nephew and successor, AW (Clif) Reed, held in the Alexander Turnbull Library. These letters offer a series of intimate and fascinating takes on publishing in Aotearoa.

Exhibition co-curator Gavin McLean has recently published Whare Raupo: the Reed books story. The accompanying volume Whare Korero, an anthology of writing by Reed authors, will be launched alongside the exhibition. A programme of related events will accompany the exhibition.

When: 10 August - 10 November 2007

Where: National Library Gallery, Wellington 2/8/07 Image: Hutu and Kawa Find an Island, Avis Acres (Reed).