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A digital social legacy portal

29 Oct 2010
MyHeartwill.com - a digital social legacy portal created by New Zealand's own John Barnett.

Written by

Orbit Media Group

MyHeartwill.com is a special kind of website. Amongst the proliferation of online communities sharing the content, information and musings of daily life, MyHeartwill celebrates this trend in a different way: offering a place where people can protect, preserve and pass on the content, memories, stories and intimate details of their lives, sharing only with those they love and trust most.

Leveraging the staples of online social networking - words, photos, video and voice - MyHeartwill evolves these tools from simple communication devices to those that can shape, curate and record the multi-faceted parts that make one’s life whole.

Pictures can get lost or damaged. Video/film/movie formats change. Letters become misplaced. Stories go un-recorded. Memories fade. MyHeartwill is the place for you or someone you love to put them all down, keep them all safe and ensure that they will be there for loved ones now - and forever - to enjoy, learn, connect with and recognize that who you are now is only a part of who you are in total.

Give the gift of yourself to those you love the most. Give them a Heartwill.

Private, Safe, Secure

No ads targeted at users based on profile information. No sharing and open exposure. No data mining or reporting. No “up-selling” of additional products or services. MyHeartwill is dedicated to holding a person’s life memories, stories and content private and gives only the user the ability to share with those he or she chooses. A “Guardian” assigned by the creator of the Heartwill has access to account information only in the event of that holder’s passing. Profiles and content are guaranteed to be held forever, with the company’s commitment to evolving its technology over time as storage, hosting, user-interfaces and platforms evolve.


Internationally known media mogul (“Whale Rider”) John Barnett; internationally published author and health expert Jill Margo; international community activist and author, Emily Margo; internationally recognized media, entertainment and technology entrepreneur Chris Adams and internationally revered marketing/SEO/Director Marketing pioneer Dawn DuMont have come together to apply their combined experience, knowledge, passion and talents to MyHeartwill and have built a company, site and offering that is unique among the broad category of social networking and visionary in the vertical of family trees and genealogy products.

Business Model

$19.99 for one year of unlimited hosting, storage, access and usage $199.99 for a lifetime of unlimited hosting, storage, access and usage.  That’s it.

We believe that the memories, stories, content and legacy you entrust us to safeguard for you should be void of additional elements (i.e. ads, sponsorship, hidden fees, et al) that might compromise your trust. Therefore we have a simple model that is as straight-forward as it is solid.


We believe that users everywhere - whether they be baby boomers who are embracing the internet and community tools to keep in touch with their children and grand children, newlyweds looking to share their love and life’s journey with friends and family, first-time parents seeking to record all the amazement and wonder that comes with building a family or anyone that seeks a place and a way to collect the intimate, profound and personal stories of their life - for their whole life - will embrace MyHeartwill.com

Thank You

Contact: Chris Adams +614 1043 7770 chris@orbitmediagroup.com

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