On Friday 12th November Auckland performing arts practitioners from diverse backgrounds and expertise will have the opportunity to meet under one roof and discuss what’s important and what impassions them.
On Friday 12th November Auckland performing arts practitioners from diverse backgrounds and expertise will have the opportunity to meet under one roof and discuss what’s important and what impassions them. Q Theatre is pleased to foster and administer the Auckland Performing Arts forum (APAF) for the 3rd year running as creating a platform, a hub and a connecting place beyond just bricks and mortar is what the project has strived to do from day one.
Susanne Ritzenhoff, Q Theatre’s General Manager reflects on why Q is behind the initiative:
“Q began the forum in 2008 with the intention of creating an open opportunity for the industry to meet each other, raise and discuss current issues and start to create a shared understanding of the performing arts issues.”
“The 2008 forum So What do you think of the show so far? was such a success that we saw great benefit in continuing the initiative into 2009 with Moving Right Along. It is really exciting to think that this is the 3rd year for the forum – like anything, if there isn’t the need or the support there is little point in continuing. But in this case the forum continues to be relevant and advantageous for the city’s performing arts in both tangible and intangible ways, from creating a sense of community, to networking, debating and planning, that we hope to continue the initiative for years to come.”
“The beauty of APAF is that it isn’t driven by one person’s agenda, and while Q Theatre administers the event we by no means take charge of it,” Susanne says, “a diverse group of 15 or so practitioners form part of the steering group who all provide feedback and guidance on how each year’s forum is organised. The format of the day empowers the industry using Open Space Technology so that only the issues important to attendees are discussed and worked through.”
The EDGE and Auckland City Council also support the iniative which enables the day to go ahead and be free of charge to all those who attend.
This year APAF has launched its own website with the hard work of the steering group. Read more about APAF at www.apaf.co.nz.
If you are a performing arts practitioner in any way, shape or form, then this is an opportunity not to be missed. Spaces are limited and therefore registration is required via: http://apaf2010.eventbrite.com/