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Blazing cannons on the Russell foreshore

27 Jan 2010
Russell Museum/Te Whare Taonga o Kororareka will conduct a tribute to the Boyd Bicentennial by fi

Russell Museum/Te Whare Taonga o Kororareka will conduct a tribute to the Boyd Bicentennial by firing four cannons from the Russell foreshore on 1 Feb 2010. Multiple firings are scheduled for 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm. 

Russell Museum/Te Whare Taonga o Kororareka will conduct a tribute to the Boyd Bicentennial by firing four cannons from the Russell foreshore on 1 Feb 2010. Multiple firings are scheduled for 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm. 

The Boyd was attacked by Maori at Whangaroa in 1809 and only four Europeans survived. Rosie Drummond, a direct descendant of Betsey Broughton, the little girl who was saved from the Boyd, will fire one of the “Boyd cannons". 

 Seen as an opportunity to engage visitors and locals in a unique and exciting activity, those attending will be able to enter a draw to fire the cannons.

After the firings conclude, the "Boyd" cannons will on display at Russell Museum / Te Whare Taonga o Kororareka until Saturday 13 March, when they will be repositioned on the Russell foreshore and fired again as part of the Battle of Kororareka celebrations.   

For more information contact: curator@russellmuseum.org.nz