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Cameo @ Paramount is back with Di Rowan

11 Aug 2006
presented by NZ Actors Equity, Wellington Diana Rowan Casting director, film director, industry champion Tuesday 22 August, 2006 6.00pm-7.30pm Bergman Theatre, Paramount Drinks to…

presented by NZ Actors Equity, Wellington

Diana Rowan

Casting director, film director, industry champion

Tuesday 22 August, 2006
Bergman Theatre, Paramount
Drinks to follow
$10 Equity or Industry Guild Members
$20 non-members
Tickets can be purchased at Paramount - ph: 384 4080

presented by NZ Actors Equity, Wellington

Diana Rowan

Casting director, film director, industry champion

Tuesday 22 August, 2006
Bergman Theatre, Paramount
Drinks to follow
$10 Equity or Industry Guild Members
$20 non-members
Tickets can be purchased at Paramount - ph: 384 4080

2004's Industry Champion of every possible award joins us this month to talk about the casting process, performance in general, her new path as a feature film director and leading Women In Film & Television, Auckland to new and greater heights. Diana is the casting director of such luminous films as The Piano, Whale Rider and In My Father's Den. She has a knack for discovering Kiwi talent.

Barbara Woods
NZ Actors Equity, Wellington
Cell: (0275) 487 053