The 250 cap for Arts Grants applications became the most hated measuring stick in Aotearoa's creative community - we break down how Creative NZ has removed the roadblock and what happens now.
It was about as popular as a pimple - and it's finally been popped.
The 250 applicant cap on Creative New Zealand's (CNZ) Arts Grants cycles have caused much consternation - both outside and inside the organisation.
Things came to a head in February's Arts Grant Round when that cap was reached in 24 hours, leaving creatives dumbfounded and devastated.
Even before that round, CNZ had been indicating the 250 cap had become an outdated process - originally designed to counter the previous criticism that it took too long to assess the applications.
But this week - in outlining how the funding rounds will work for the rest of 2023 - CNZ finally delivered that change.
However, the cap isn't gone altogether. At least, not yet.
The next Arts Grants round opens on 27 April, offering project funding for Individual artists, arts practitioners, arts groups and arts organisations between $5,000 and $75,000. This round will see the cap increased to 450, with the applicants to find out their fate in July.
But 2023 Arts Grants rounds that follow - which start in August and October respectively - have no caps at all. They will be open for applications for around a month.
The time pressures to try fit career changing applications around day-jobs and family commitments in unknown and inhospitable deadlines will be over.
This year's Annual Arts Grant round (with funding of up to $150,000 for established creatives and organisations with a more proven track record) will also have no cap and be open between 22 May and 22 June.
There's no doubt this is a major step forward, but it's been pointed out to The Big Idea that given the speed in which 250 applications were submitted in the previous Arts Grants round, 450 could still potentially only last a few days.
Gretchen La Roche, CNZ's Senior Manager of Arts Development explains to The Big Idea why the cap is being raised for this round, rather than immediately abolished.
"We’ve wanted to be able to raise the cap for some time, and this round we’ve been able to do that.
We’ve nearly doubled the cap, because we know there’s been a lot of frustration with the 250 limit, this is the greatest increase we can support this round.
"The one-off funding of the additional $22 million we’ve received is allowing us to make changes faster and this is the first step towards the long-term changes we’re making for the sector."
That $22m injection from Manatū Taonga MInistry of Culture and Heritage (MCH) will see $3m added to the April Arts Grant round.
Another feature of the calendar is the clear separation between Festivals and other creative outlets.
With $10m of that MCH top up set aside to support Festivals, the Arts Grants and Annual Arts Grants rounds won't be available to established Festivals as they have previously. That's because those Festivals now have their own dedicated funding Grants in May and August - again, no cap and applications open for a month.
La Roche points out "The new festival funding is designed for established festivals. New festivals or those wanting to make a return should contact us first about the best options for their project."
The purpose of this funding is to support established festivals that celebrate the life experiences, stories, cultures and regional identities of New Zealanders, and that continue to be impacted by the effects of COVID-19 in 2023.
There is specific eligibility criteria for the festival funding - which CNZ say they'll provide next week - with the key criteria being that those applying must have presented at least one festival within the past five years.
While the new funding is exciting and hopefully straight forward, there is still a danger that festival organisers still working out the new system and criteria could apply for this month's Arts Grant round and unnecessarily soak up a spot in the 450 cap.
La Roche hopes clear communication can save such headaches.
"We’re encouraging people who are planning on applying for funding to contact us so we can help ensure they’re applying for the right pool. In every grant round we inevitably receive a small number of applications that are ineligible. We want to support applicants to apply for the right opportunity, so we encourage people to contact us on:
For the details that are available on any of the funding rounds, check the CNZ site here.
Project funding for Individual artists, arts practitioners, arts groups and arts organisations. Established festivals will not be able to apply to this fund.
Opens: 27 April
Closes: When 450 applications have been received. Applicants will be notified on 5 July.
For established artists, arts practitioners and arts organisations with a strong track record of funding from CNZ can apply for up to $150,000.
Opens: 22 May. No cap on applications.
Closes: 22 June. Applicants will be notified on 9 August.
To support established festivals (must have presented at least one festival within the past five years) for up $150,000.
Opens: 22 May. No cap on applications.
Closes: 22 June. Applicants will be notified on 2 August.
Opens: Early August. No cap on applications.
Closes: Early September. Notified late October.
Opens: Late August. No cap on applications.
Closes: Late September. Applicants will be notified early November.
Opens: Early October. No cap on applications.
Closes: Early November. Applicants will be notified by mid-December.