Having started in radio and programme production, including a number of iconic music radio initiatives for NZ on Air, industry insider Peter Dickens went on to become the general manager for The New Zealand Music Foundation. In 2016 The New Zealand Music Foundation conducted their first ‘Wellbeing Survey’ to try and further understand the extent of the mental health issues in the entertainment industry. This is a subject that’s close to our hearts and in this conversation we attempt to unwrap the problem.
What is the biggest challenge that you see for people seeking a career in the creative sector and how do you navigate that challenge?
From my perspective in the music environment, it’s reconciling the passion you’re infected with for the music discipline that captures your heart, with the capacity of the sector to provide a scale and stability of income to practice that discipline in a way that allows for a rewarding life. Conquer that, then the challenge becomes to find a way to nurture and develop your creativity to its greatest potential while fending off the threats the environment can pose to your health and wellbeing.
What is the core belief that drives what you do?
A passionate belief that music needs a champion, and that it is woefully under-utilised in our society in areas such as healthcare and in supporting our most at-risk and vulnerable. I also believe that great music does not come from an unrelenting place of misery and despair, and that it must be possible for music people to have longer, healthier, more productive and more fulfilling lives in music.
What is your number one tip for surviving and thriving in the creative industries?
Compassion for others and compassion for yourself. Actively work at your relationships with friends and family. Understand the behaviours that work against your creativity, your health and your wellbeing and take control of them.
Don't Give Up You Day Job is a podcast series created by Bobby Kennedy and Danny McCrum. They interview musicians, producers, actors, comedians, directors and more to give people an insight into the careers of creative professionals.
Don't Give Up Your Day Job podcast series, New Zealand Music Foundation