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Kate Woods Non Space at The Physics Room

Why is something a non - space? What would activate it to become an un-in-between space?

The exhibition SPACED is divided into two parts. One of photographs sourcing found printed images and containing 'found' art works from the 70s Landart era and another of night time photographs and paintings playing with light to reactive their environments. The exhibition is based on an interest in documentary photography of 70s land art sculptures in the way some tend to give the sense of a non-space, or at least a space that can never be physically accessed, as it may not exist anymore.

This investigation is paired with an interest in found images which show an expected and generic environment and the subsequent non-information of them. Places you will never physically arrive in yet seem familiar.

SPACED Kate Woods

20 June - 8 July

High St Project Christchurch

The exhibition is based on an interest in documentary photography of 70s land art sculptures in the way some tend to give the sense of a non-space, or at least a space that can never be physically accessed, as it may not exist anymore. This investigation is paired with an interest in found images which show an expected and generic environment and the subsequent non-information of them. Places you will never physically arrive in yet seem familiar. Kate graduated from Elam School of Fine Arts in 2003.