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Maori weaving gathers momentum for National Hui

25 Sep 2007
The Maori Weavers National Hui has received an unprecedented response from weav

The Maori Weavers National Hui has received an unprecedented response from weavers for their upcoming gathering at Maraenui Marae in the Eastern Bay of Plenty, to be held next month during Labour Weekend.

All 300 places for the Hui have been filled two months prior to the event.Members of the public and other weavers and artists are encouraged to attend the Open Day on Saturday 20 October between 10am and 3pm. At the Open Day, people will have the opportunity to view and purchase items of weaving as well as other local products on offer. Entrance fee is by gold coin.

Edna Pahewa, Chairperson of Te Roopu Raranga Whatu o Aotearoa (national weavers collective) said, "This is a significant event for our members to gather together, but I am sorry there may be some who will miss out this year." She added, "We've been working really hard to promote our great weaving tradition. The rise of interest in Maori weaving in fashion has been a big part of the response."

This biennial gathering of the country's foremost practitioners in weaving has grown in recent years. This interest follows an increasing number of tertiary institutions offering programmes in Maori arts. The hugely successful international exhibition Toi Maori - The Eternal Thread, curated and toured by Pataka Museum in Porirua, has also elevated the public profile of Maori weaving along with the 2005 book publication The Eternal Thread - The Art of Maori Weaving. Following a three-year tour to the United States, the exhibition returned in 2007 for a final showing at The Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu, attracting an audience of 81,000 visitors.
