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Natasha Conland to curate Auckland Triennial

08 Jun 2009
Natasha Conland will curate the 4th Auckland Triennia international contemporary art exhibition next

Natasha Conland will curate the 4th Auckland Triennia international contemporary art exhibition, from 12 March to 20 June next year. More than 30 international artists feature in this multi-venue exhibition held once every three years.

Natasha Conland will curate the 4th Auckland Triennia international contemporary art exhibition, from 12 March to 20 June next year. More than 30 international artists feature in this multi-venue exhibition held once every three years.

Conland firmly established her international reputation at the 2005 Venice Biennale where she curated New Zealand’s exhibit - et al.’s the fundamental practice - with commissioner Gregory Burke.

Her diverse biennial experience includes co-curating the Cafe 2 project for South Korea’s 2006 Busan Biennale and co-curating the 2006 SCAPE Biennial of Art and Public Space in Christchurch, New Zealand.

She was one of 12 international ‘curatorial comrades’ appointed to the 2008 Sydney Biennale by artistic director Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev. Since 2006, Conland has been curator of contemporary art at Auckland Art Gallery, where she curated the international group show Mystic Truths in 2007. This was followed by an invitation to join a forum of 10 young international curators in Paris.

Conland writes for a number of contemporary arts journals and catalogues in the Asia Pacific region and co-edits Reading Room, a contemporary arts journal published annually by the gallery’s E.H. McCormick Library.

Auckland Art Gallery director Chris Saines says, “Natasha is a curator with a unique understanding of the local and international contexts and an ability to address the form as well as the content of the Auckland Triennial with fresh thinking.

Conland says “I feel very fortunate to be working on the 4th Auckland Triennial. It’s still a young event in an incredibly diverse art scene. Auckland is a city in which change is manifest and the Triennial provides a responsive platform for art within this environment.”

In developing the exhibition’s concept, preliminary research has taken her to Asia, the Middle East and Scandanvia. Full details of the concept will be released next month.

Conland will invite a group of international curatorial associates to participate in core aspects of the Triennial’s programme.

A comprehensive catalogue will be released during opening week, with full colour images, critical writing on the exhibition’s themes and profiles of artists and performances.