Waiheke Community Art Gallery has announced the appointment of Juliet Monaghan as director for headland Sculpture on the Gulf 2011.
Auckland based Monaghan joins the art gallery project team as director for the fifth biennial exhibition of headland Sculpture on the Gulf.
Monaghan is multi-skilled across a range of disciplines including the creative arts, media and business. Not only is she a practising artist specialising in painting and a board member of the Artists Alliance she is also involved in the corporate business arena as a consultant training senior executives for pitching international contracts. As an award-wining documentary filmmaker Monaghan is recognised for creating and implementing numerous creative projects and initiatives.
“Headland has always been a must do on my summer calendar. I have found the event to be extremely stimulating and inspiring,” says Monaghan.
“Plans are underway for creating headland 2011. Adding dynamic development will be the excitement of new awards which will recognise both artists and sculptures."
headland Sculpture on the Gulf 2011
New Zealand’s premier outdoor sculpture exhibition set on the spectacular two kilometre coastal walkway on Waiheke Island.
January 28 – February 20 2011