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NZ Youth Choir Music Director

27 Sep 2011
New Zealand Youth Choir has appointed David Squire as its new Music Director. He will take on the role held by Karen Grylls since 1989.

New Zealand Youth Choir has appointed David Squire as its new Music Director. He will take on the role held by Karen Grylls since 1989. Dr Grylls will remain as Artistic Director of Choirs Aotearoa Trust New Zealand, which manages the Youth Choir and Voices New Zealand Chamber Choir.

New Zealand Youth Choir has appointed David Squire as its new Music Director. He will take on the role held by Karen Grylls since 1989. Dr Grylls will remain as Artistic Director of Choirs Aotearoa Trust New Zealand, which manages the Youth Choir and Voices New Zealand Chamber Choir.

Up to four times a year, singers from all over New Zealand will meet to rehearse and perform under Squire’s guidance. The choir has been a vital part of New Zealand’s music scene for over 30 years, and has a strong following throughout the country.

Choirs Aotearoa NZ Board chairman Trevor Kempton says the appointment of David Squire is an important milestone for Choirs Aotearoa. “David is an alumnus of the Youth Choir and is well acquainted with its tradition of excellence,” Kempton says. “I am very pleased with the outcome of a rigorous selection process, and wish David well in the role."

Squire says he looks forward to maintaining the vision founded by Guy Jansen, Peter Godfrey and Karen Grylls, while also setting in place new artistic goals for the choir. “I am very excited to be working with such a dynamic group of young people, who all desire to create music with integrity and passion,” Squire says.

Squire comes to the role with a string of notable successes. He led his Rangitoto College chamber choir, The Fundamentals, in a platinum-award winning performance at New Zealand’s 2008 Big Sing, and the Westlake Symphony Orchestra which he directs has won gold awards every year at the KBB Music Festival for over a decade. Squire was awarded a New Zealander of the Year Local Heroes Medal for services to Music Education. Currently he directs four high school choirs.

The NZYC’s debut performance with Squire as Music Director will be in the Hawkes Bay next April.

David Squire has been a singer all his life. He sang in choirs at school in Hamilton, and was himself a NZYC member, later graduating to sing in Voices, New Zealand’s national chamber choir.
