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Peter Evans: Manipulated by the Human Hand

09 Jul 2010
Manipulated by the Human Hand is an ongoing ecological study of our interaction with and transfor

Manipulated by the Human Hand is an ongoing ecological study of our interaction with and transformation of the natural landscape of New Zealand as influenced by the dominant economic and anthropocentric ideologies prevalent in our contemporary culture.

Manipulated by the Human Hand is an ongoing ecological study of our interaction with and transformation of the natural landscape of New Zealand as influenced by the dominant economic and anthropocentric ideologies prevalent in our contemporary culture.

The conflicts and affinities we have with the landscape are explored in this exhibition of twelve works. Industry upon the landscape has enabled us to live in the comfortable lifestyles that we do.

It is also a major contributing factor of anthropogenic environmental problems. Our relationship with industry and the landscape raises complex, critical issues in our modern society.

Peter Evans
Manipulated by the Human Hand
July 2 - 23

McNamara Gallery
190 Wicksteed Street