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Robyn Gibson: Art on the Street

27 Sep 2011
Robyn Gibson’s colourful sculptural installation Art on the Street hits Devonport during Art Week Auckland. The event aims to make art accessible and show how art can enhance our environment.

Robyn Gibson’s colourful sculptural installation event 'Art on the Street' hits Devonport during Art Week Auckland in October.

The event aims to bring art out into the open, making it accessible and show how art can enhance our environment.

Art does not have to be in a gallery to be appreciated, and art interacting with its environment can throw a new light on each. 'Art on the Street' is an initiative by Robyn Gibson and The Depot, Devonport.

Courtesy of The Depot, Robyn answers a few questions about the event.

How did the idea for ‘Art on the Street’ formulate and how did you make it happen?

My friend Linda Blincko (Creative Director of The Depot) and I have often talked about placing art into our immediate environment to encourage discovery and provoke art awareness and we decided to create the opportunity to make this happen during Art week Auckland.

Art on the Street is a developing and rather whimsical artistic genre for me personally but it has been explored by artists for many years. The historical placement of solid bronze or marble sculpture is a traditional and everlasting ideology but I have often thought of soft sculpture as a more interactive medium within our environment. Soft forms or works with paper and cardboard can be playful, they are not made to last but merely to intrigue, surprise and entertain.

Outdoor objects or surfaces often lend themselves to art installation such as an extended tree branch or the side of a building; using these as a foundation for soft fabric attachments and added foreign texture can make a bizarre and wacky contrast between nature and man-made placements.

What can people expect to discover in Devonport during the ‘Art on the Street’ week?

There will be several pockets of street art-works in the Devonport Village. Outside the local library tall date palms will be swathed in colour and fabric, while in the Windsor Reserve you will come across a free standing sculpture made of 10 decorated crazy legs, a colourful display in pohutukawa trees, on footpaths and hanging from beams.

In the Ferry Terminal entrance there will be another array of colour and texture. If travelling on the ferry coming into Devonport or from the waterfront you will have a big surprise looking at you from the side of Mt Victoria. There will be fun trees outside The Depot and an array of small objects to be spotted along the way.

Are the installations permanent?

The installations are not permanent.

Will there be more ‘Art on the Street’ events? If so, how can people get involved?

We hope this street art production will entertain the community, leave visitors with a lasting impression of our urban arts village Devonport and encourage others to participate in future events.

There are often a number of issues to consider in making street art, the most important is ensuring the safety of all involved and as long as this is well thought out we can get on with the general concept of having fun!

Further information:

If you would like to participate in future events or just have an idea you may like to get off the ground please contact The Depot 09 9632331 or Robyn Gibson. 0210538521.

Art on the Street

Devonport - Auckland
12 — 24 October

Art Week Auckland

October 13-23