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ScreenTalk: Craig Parker

13 Jan 2010
In this ScreenTalk interview Craig Parker talks about his acting career and his latest work, incl

In this ScreenTalk interview Craig Parker talks about his acting career and his latest work, including the soon to be released TV series Spartacus.

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Craig Parker made his television debut in the 80s soap Gloss and then went on to Shortland Street where he played a womanising social worker. Parker has played an elf in Lord of the Rings, a doctor on Mercy Peak, a villain in Legend of the Seeker and a diplomat in Diplomatic Immunity. Some of his other screen credits include Hercules the Legendary Journeys and Xena.

In this interview, Parker discusses:

• How terrifying Gloss was but how it taught him about TV

• Playing annoying social worker Guy Warner on Shortland Street

• The fun of Hercules and Xena

• Fighting with Lucy Lawless on set

• The dangers of on-set catering on Mercy Peak

• An awkward sex scene with good friend Robyn Malcolm

• The enormity of Lord of the Rings

• How he loved making Diplomatic Immunity despite it not being a complete success

• Being part of the yet to be screened TV series Spartacus

NZ On Screen: Interview, Camera & Editing – Andrew Whiteside