Filmmaker Brendan Donovan’s first feature film The Hopes and Dreams of Gazza Snell is a coming of age drama about a ‘man-child’ called Gazza who finally grows up at the age of 45.
* Read Brendan's answers to The Big Idea community questions in the comment box below.
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Brendan, who directed the film and co-wrote the script, says the title is self-explanatory. “It really is the hopes and dreams of Gazza Snell. It’s what he hopes, and what he dreams of for himself and for his family and how those hopes and dreams become altered over the course of time.”
Gazza Snell (William McInnes) is mad about karting – as are his teenage boys Marc and Ed, played by talented newcomers Josh and William McKenzie, who are brothers in real life. His obsession has alienated his wife Gail (Robyn Malcolm) and pushed his family to the financial brink.
Brendan grew up in Howick, where the movie is set, before moving to work in the US directing commercials and music videos.
Returning to New Zealand he directed short films, including Here, disaster tele-movie Aftershock and several television shows including Insiders Guide to Happiness and Insiders Guide to Love.
The Hopes and Dreams of Gazza Snell is in cinemas from January 27.
During what hours of the day do you feel most inspired?
I wish it was like this! A set time. But no. it’s random. Utterly.
How would a good friend describe your aesthetic or style?
The alter-ego inside my brain describes my work as modern and visual with an interesting mix of emotion and action. Did I say that out loud?
What aspect of your creative practice gives you the biggest thrill?
Creation and execution. The moment you first create a character, then the moment you first see them brought to life by the actor you have cast.
How does your environment affect your work?
I need it pretty quiet and calm to work. Ah, the serenity!
Do you like to look at the big picture or focus on the details?
Both - unavoidable as a writer/director. Dream big, then worry about the colour of the curtains in the bedroom.
What's your number one business tip for surviving (and thriving) in the creative industries?
Having multiple projects happening at multiple stages – and then being able to cope with the head-trip that creates.
Which of your projects to date has given you the most satisfaction?
My first feature film.
Tell us a bit about The Hopes & Dreams of Gazza Snell - from conception to inception.
Wrote the first draft very quickly, then spent six years getting it right. It’s set in the suburb I grew up in, as well as the world of high speed karting. I knew the suburb well, but I needed to research karting, and the changes in the ethnic mix of the suburb. Ultimately, Gazza, the lead character demanded to be the centre of the film, and with that revelation we had a breakthrough draft at the end of 2008. We shot end of 2009. Then the edit and post production for half of 2010. And now the release in late Jan 2011. It was tough work – almost all of it. But rewarding. Especially watching it with an audience now, and feeling how involved they are with the characters and the story. That’s the joy, for them to watch Gazza come of age at 45.
Who or what has inspired you recently?
Music inspires me, especially a lot of the new NZ bands coming through. Growing vegetables inspires me – no idea why, I think it’s the nurture then consume part. My friends inspire me. In general I’m a sponge, I soak up everything around me and filter it into the next project.
If you could go back and choose a completely different career path to the one you've chosen, what would it be?
Car designer/architect. Automotive elegance and giant edifices to my ego, that’s what I’m after in a different career!
What place is always with you, wherever you go?
My bach at Karekare.
What's the best way to listen to music, and why?
Through the monolithic vintage Kef Reference speakers at my house. Old school sonic beauty. Like flowers bursting in your ears.
You are given a piece of string, a stick and some fabric. What do you make?
A sail. And I lie on my back in the calm, calm ocean and gently drift off toward the wide horizon.
What's the best stress relief advice you've ever been given?
Go have sex. Now.
What's great about today?
The fruity, lush, sub-tropical growth of Auckland in early summer.
What’s your big idea for 2011?
I have created a TV series, and I sincerely hope that turns out to be a really BIG idea for 2011… that and LISTENING. Listening is a big idea for me in 2011. The more you do of it, the more you learn.