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Tongue Twister Contest

23 Mar 2011
Inspired by Werner Herzog's film 'How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck' Goethe-Institut NZ is running its own Tongue Twister Contest.

Inspired by Werner Herzog's film 'How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck' we thought it would be great to run our own Tongue Twister Contest based on the title of this film.

Make your own video with either the tongue twister in English:

Inspired by Werner Herzog's film 'How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck' we thought it would be great to run our own Tongue Twister Contest based on the title of this film.

Make your own video with either the tongue twister in English:

“How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck If A Woodchuck Could Chuck Wood? A Woodchuck Would Chuck As Much Wood As A Wood Chuck Could, If A Woodchuck Could Chuck Wood”
or in German:

“Der Cottbuser Postkutscher putzt den Puttbuser Postkutschkasten, und der Puttbuser Postkutscher putzt den Cottbuser Postkutschkasten”

or any other tongue twister in any other language!

Send your video (20 MB max) to info@wellington.goethe.org by 1 April 2011. We’re sure you can do better than us!!! Check out the Goethe-Institut NZ team having a go at the Goethe-Institut New Zealand facebook page!

The winning video will be shown after the screening of the film 'How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck ' on 6 April at 6 pm.

Be in to win:
First prize: 13 DVD pack of Werner Herzog’s documentaries plus two tickets to the screening of 'How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck' on 6 April at the Film Archive in Wellington.
Second prize: two tickets to the screening of 'How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck' on 6 April and a bottle of bubbly.
Third prize: two tickets to the screening of 'How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck' on 6 April.

The selection panel’s entirely subjective decision will be final. Prizes will only be awarded to people in New Zealand at the time!

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