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Urban Dream Brokerage call for submissions

23 Jun 2011
Do you have creative ideas for vacant commercial space? Letting Space is calling for submissions from artists for their second Urban Dream Brokerage.

Do you have creative ideas for vacant commercial space? How could such a space - be it an apartment block, the floor of an office building, empty land or a retail space - be more creatively utilised to provide a more vital inner-city?

Here’s a chance for artists to have their say. Letting Space is calling for submissions from artists for their second Urban Dream Brokerage, a live pitching session funded by Wellington City Council as part of their Toward 2040: Smart Green Wellington strategy. Send Letting Space a summary of your idea and we’ll choose three of the best to be presented in Wellington on Friday 29 July.

Inspired by the format of reality television's Dragons Den artists pitch to property owners and developers, but then, in a twist, property owners pitch to a panel of artists. At the last Brokerage in May 2010 people were turned away as a packed house at City Gallery watched dragons become petitioners, and property managers and artists alike impress the crowd with visions of art inside elevators and boatsheds, a new age therapy stronghold and gargantuan lightshows.

Pitches are required by Friday 15 July. Pitches should be snappy (under 200 words). They may relate to a specific site in the city, or be an idea for the city in the future. They may suggest new models of exchange or propose alternative systems of value. Drawings and images are welcomed. Please submit to sophiejerramandmarkamery@gmail.com

The Brokerage is part of Letting Space, a major art and property project featuring a series of art projects and discussions. Our current project, on until July 10 is Pioneer-city.com by Bronwyn Holloway-Smith  which was originally pitched as part of Urban Dream Brokerage last year.

Letting Space and Wellington City Council share an interest in how artists can contribute to creating a more dynamic future city, and we ask all potential pitchers to consider the Toward 2040 strategy as part of their thinking. Toward 2040 details what WCC think Wellington needs to do as a city to make sure it continues to thrive in a rapidly changing local and global environment.


• Further information on the Toward 2040: A Smart Green Wellington strategy

• To see a range of 10 written pitches made to the 2010 Urban Dream Brokerage

• To see images and read an account of last year's event

• A panelists experience (Jeremy Diggle, former head of art at Massey University) of the event can also  be read on our blog here

• Extensive information on the seven art projects Letting Space produced in 2010-11

• Other projects that occurred born originally from Urban Dream Brokerage pitches in the Wellington CBD 2010 include:

Sian Torrington's Inhabitance 

• And Brydee Rood's The Value Waste procession