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Womad NZ: The Alaev Family

22 Feb 2013
We hear from Allo Alaev of The Alaev Family, in the fourth of a series of QnAs with artists performing at Womad NZ this year.

We hear from Allo Alaev of The Alaev Family (pronounced the ah-lah-YEV), in the fourth of a series of QnAs with artists performing at Womad NZ this year,

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We hear from Allo Alaev of The Alaev Family (pronounced the ah-lah-YEV), in the fourth of a series of QnAs with artists performing at Womad NZ this year,

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Eighty-year-old master drummer Allo Alaev drives a percussion extravaganza when three generations of the Alaev family embrace and refresh old Tajikistan music traditions. The sounds of Central Asia meet Jewish Buchara and world beats, shimmering with gypsy energy atop Turkish clarinet, accordion, violin, Armenian horn and incessant drums.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

We knew nothing but becoming musicians as growing up

What are you reading at the moment?

I am reading Omar Khayam.

What are you looking forward to most about coming to New Zealand?

We look forward to meet the people and to see their reaction on our music. To see the beautiful country side. We don’t have much nature in Israel except from the desert and the sea. I believe your nature is astonishing. So we have heard.

Can you give a brief account of the idea behind your work?

My dream was to gather my own family to perform around the world.That dream is at present coming through .

Where did the inspiration for this work come from?

The inspiration came from the children themselves who are all very musical talents.

What do you hope audiences will take away from this work?

Traditions kept in family is not something usual these days, but it has been for hundred of years. It is a beautiful way to keep the tradition and at the same time develop and change . We do both. We keep tradition, but we are developing the music within the modern times.

What else are you currently working on?

We are currently working on our youngest members Amanda 8 and Abraham 2 years old to be prepared to perform. Amanda already performs. Also we are doing a huge tribute concert to myself Allo Alaev in May for 80 year old birthday.


The Alaev Family perform at Womad NZ, Taranaki, March 15-17, 2013